There are many ways in which you can help Gaza and Palestine.

Over at ‘palestinecampaign‘ there are many events taking place in the UK (and I’m sure there will be similar events and organisations where you are around the world) to help Palestine and more importantly Gaza.

Be active in raising awareness of Gaza. Call out Israel as being an illegal state and its genocides being committed in Palestine.

Boycott Israel Today, Now and Forever!

I know you all feel helpless. Angry. Frustrated.

You feel helpless sitting around, watching news, dipping into those shared social media videos and resharing with an odd conversation with family members about the destruction of Palestine, Gaza.

What you can do, no matter which part of the world you live in, is to take the first step of ‘Boycotting products that directly or indirectly support Israel’ and subsequently fund Israel to commit genocide and atrocities as we have seen, the most recent, since 6th October 2023.

Find below a list of brands that are actively supporting Israel.





Johnson and Johnson





Coca cola



Victoria’ secret Walmart









Burger King
























Baskin robin


National Geographic




There are many other brands that support Israel or are funded by them. In case you have a doubt, one easy way is to check for the barcode. Any barcode starting from 729 is related to Israel, though not necessarily manufactured there, but it can be related to Israel.

Consumers have the power to influence political as well as economic decisions, as this results in revenue. Boycotting Israeli products can be seen as an act of solidarity with the brothers and sisters of Palestine

Israel is a gun but who is pulling the trigger? Palestinian Ethnic Cleansing!

To know if your country leader has approved Palestinian ethnic cleansing, answer the simple 3 questions below:

  1. What has the leader of your country done to stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?
  2. What has been the reaction of the leading government of your country to the mass killings of Palestinian Children and Women?
  3. Has there been an outcry, a national response, for Israel to stop the ethnic cleansing?

I can guarantee the is not one “Yes” in the above 3 questions.

This tells you; your government have pulled the trigger in allowing Israel to continue.

Question isn’t what the leaders of your country are going to do about it.  The question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?

Boycott Israel Today!

Boycott Israel Today: Comprehensive list of companies supporting the Apartheid State of Israel

Angry about the Israeli terror attacks on innocent Muslims and Christians in Palestine?

Want to do something about it, but feel helpless?

Then why not begin by Boycotting Israeli products, services and companies that belong to Israel or are consciously supporting their terror campaign and illegal occupation of Palestine.

Start Now, Start Today and lets collectively make a dent in their economy.

Click below and visit a comprehensive list of companies and individuals who support Israel in one or more ways:

Israel: A Racist & Apartheid State

It is now an undisputed fact that Israel stands for a Racist and Apartheid state.  Embarrassing it is for the West and especially the USA to continue to support and pay Billions a year as aid to this illegal state of Israel, when, people of USA are struggling to survive due to recessions, job losses and expensive healthcare.

There are, however, many people in power within the West who certainly, do not shy away, from calling Israel for what it is:  A Racist and Apartheid State.

Richard Boyd Barrett, an Irish politician is a hero for me.  Fearless and truthful.  Hear him for yourself at the video below.  Please share this YouTube video at will and lets further expose Israel.

Boycott Israel or watch Palestine Burn! May 2021

Are you angry seeing Palestine burn at the hands of Israel? Then do something about it…

Enough is enough. Stop pretending you are not affected by what you are seeing through WhatsApp groups, social media apps in relation to how Palestinians, in their own homes and place of worship, are being brutally terrorised and killed.

The mainstream media, if you have not already guest it, is pro-Israeli. Don’t believe me, then visit BBC News website right now and let’s see if Palestine issue is on the front page of their website?  No, it isn’t and never will be.

Still angry! Then get involved and Boycott Israel Today!

Thanks to many organisations worldwide, who have many campaigns in motion, to economically hurt Israel.  A simple search in Google will give you 1000’s of organisations around the world involved in Boycotting of Israel.  This simple process of boycotting goods from Israel, collectively, is a war you and I can wage against the terrorist illegal state of Israel.

The Boycott of Israel does hurt them dearly.

Having seen, in the last few days, how Israel have began terrorising innocent Palestinians and their polite and right to self-determination.  I am forced to revive this blog once again.

Stay tuned, subscribe, and wait for more.

Stand by George Galloway’s call for a boycott of Israel – let’s make our entire country an “Israel-free zone”!

Red Youth


As millions of people around the world demonstrated in support of Palestine last Saturday, and as millions more began to wake up to the all-too-clear reality of the horrific slaughter being perpetrated in Gaza by the fascistic zionists thugs of Israel, George Galloway MP quite correctly called for a boycott of all things Israeli.

In a well-reported speech, picked up by the corporate media with the intention of painting Galloway in a black light, he was reported to have declared:

“We don’t want any Israeli goods. We don’t want any Israeli services. We don’t want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college. We don’t even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford – even if any of them had thought of doing so.

“We reject this illegal, barbarous, savage state that calls itself Israel … We have declared Bradford an Israel-free zone.”

Galloway’s comments have infuriated…

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The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

By Gilad Atzmon

Surely, what’s happening now in Iraq and Syria must serve as a final wakeup call that we have been led into a horrific situation in the Middle East by a powerful Lobby driven by the interests of one tribe and one tribe alone.

Back in 1982, Oded Yinon an Israeli journalist formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, published a document titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.’This Israeli commentator suggested that for Israel to maintain its regional superiority, it must fragment its surrounding Arab states into smaller units. The document, later labelled as ‘Yinon Plan’, implied that Arabs and Muslims killing each other in endless sectarian wars was, in effect, Israel’s insurance policy.

Of course, regardless of the Yinon Plan’s prophesies, one might still argue that this has nothing to do with Jewish lobbying, politics or institutions but is just one more Israeli strategic proposal except that it is impossible to ignore that the Neocon school of thought that pushed the English-speaking Empire into Iraq was largely a Jewish Diaspora, Zionist clan. It’s also no secret that the 2nd Gulf War was fought to serve Israeli interests –  breaking into sectarian units what then seemed to be the last pocket of Arab resistance to Israel.

Similarly, it is well established that when Tony Blair decided to launch that criminal war, Lord Levy was the chief fundraiser for his Government while, in the British media, Jewish Chronicle writers David Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen were busy beating the drums for war. And again, it was the exact same Jewish Lobby that was pushing for intervention in Syria, calling for the USA and NATO to fight alongside those same Jihadi forces that today threaten the last decade’s American ‘achievements’ in Iraq.

Unfortunately, Yinon’s disciples are more common than you might expect. In France, it was the infamous Jewish ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri Levy who  boasted on TV that ‘as a Jew’ campaigning for NATO intervention, he liberated Libya.

As we can see, a dedicated number of Jewish Zionist activists, commentators and intellectuals have worked relentlessly in many countries pushing for exactly the same cause – the breaking up of Arab and Muslim states into smaller, sectarian units.

But is it just the Zionists who are engaging in such tactics? Not at all.

In fact, the Jewish so-called Left serves the exact same cause, but instead of fragmenting Arabs and Muslims into Shia, Sunnis, Alawites and Kurds they strive to break them into sexually oriented identity groups (Lesbian, Queer, Gays, Heterosexual etc’)

Recently I learned from Sarah Schulman, a NY Jewish Lesbian activist that in her search for funding for a young ‘Palestinian Queer’ USA tour, she was advised to approach George Soros’ Open Society institute. The following account may leave you flabbergasted, as it did me:

“A former ACT UP staffer who worked for the Open Society Institute, George Soros’ foundation, suggested that I file an application there for funding for the tour. When I did so it turned out that the person on the other end had known me from when we both attended Hunter [College] High School in New York in the 1970s. He forwarded the application to the Institutes’s office in Amman, Jordan, and I had an amazing one-hour conversation with Hanan Rabani, its director of the Women’s and Gender program for the Middle East region. Hanan told me that this tour would give great visibility to autonomous queer organizations in the region. That it would inspire queer Arabs—especially in Egypt and Iran…for that reason, she said, funding for the tour should come from the Amman office” (Sarah Schulman -Israel/Palestine and the Queer International p. 108).

The message is clear, The Open Society Institutes  (OSI) wires Soros’s money to Jordan, Palestine and then back to the  USA in order to “inspire queer Arabs in Egypt and Iran (sic).”

What we see here is clear evidence of a blatant intervention by George Soros and his institute in an attempt to break Arabs and Muslims and shape their culture.  So, while the right-wing Jewish Lobby pushes the Arabs into ethnic sectarian wars, their tribal counterparts within George Soros’s OSI institute, do exactly the same – attempt to break the Arab and Muslims by means of marginal and identity politics.

It is no secret that, as far as recent developments in Iraq are concerned, America, Britain and the West are totally unprepared. So surely, the time is long overdue when we must identify the forces and ideologies within Western society that are pushing us into more and more global conflicts. And all we can hope for is that  America, Britain and France may think twice before they spends trillions of their tax payers’ money in following the Yinon Plan to fight ruinous, foreign wars imposed upon them by The Lobby.

The Yinon plan: “Greater Israel”, Syria, Iraq, and ISIS





The Zionist Plan for the Middle East, also known as the Yinon Plan, is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

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